Monday 27 April 2009

Travel Together in Africa

Somewhere in my past when I worked with the Vaskela "bushman" in Northern Namibia, they told me that "tuyeni" means walking together. Since then it had a specific significance to me because it was then, many years ago that my journey as an adult in Africa started. From that very special time in the raw nature of Ngamiland, until now I experienced the many beauties of my beautiful continent. From the special beauty of my own country South Africa, to the cradle of humankind around the great lakes of east and central Africa, to the Gulf pf Acaba where the continent meets the rest of the world, I travelled with the knowledge that I would discover something new every time.

On this blog I will start sharing it with you from time to time. Just for the pleasure of it. If you can do the same, maybe one day we will travel together.

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